第一章 PySimpleGUI Button元素详解
提示:文章写完后,目录可以自动生成,如何生成可参考右边的帮助文档文章目录前言一、pandas是什么?二、使用步骤1.引入库2.读入数据总结前言基于官方链接:Call reference - PySimpleGUI一、ButtonElement按钮元素 - 定义所有可能的按钮。 Submit、FileBrowse 等可创建快捷一个 Button。二、使用步骤1.参数Button(button_tex
基于官方链接:Call reference - PySimpleGUI
一、Button Element
按钮元素 - 定义所有可能的按钮。 Submit、FileBrowse 等可创建快捷一个 Button。
Button(button_text = "",
button_type = 7,
target = (None, None),
tooltip = None,
file_types = (('ALL Files', '*.* *'),),
initial_folder = None,
default_extension = "",
disabled = False,
change_submits = False,
enable_events = False,
image_filename = None,
image_data = None,
image_size = (None, None),
image_subsample = None,
border_width = None,
size = (None, None),
s = (None, None),
auto_size_button = None,
button_color = None,
disabled_button_color = None,
highlight_colors = None,
mouseover_colors = (None, None),
use_ttk_buttons = None,
font = None,
bind_return_key = False,
focus = False,
pad = None,
p = None,
key = None,
k = None,
right_click_menu = None,
expand_x = False,
expand_y = False,
visible = True,
metadata = None)
Type | Name | Meaning |
str | button_text | Text to be displayed on the button 按钮上显示的文本 |
int | button_type | You should NOT be setting this directly. ONLY the shortcut functions set this 您不应该直接设置它。 只有快捷功能设置 |
str or (int, int) | target | key or (row,col) target for the button. Note that -1 for column means 1 element to the left of this one. The constant ThisRow is used to indicate the current row. The Button itself is a valid target for some types of button |
str | tooltip | text, that will appear when mouse hovers over the element 鼠标移动元素时显示的文本 |
Tuple[(str, str), ...] | file_types | the filetypes that will be used to match files. To indicate all files: (("ALL Files", ". *"),). Note - NOT SUPPORTED ON MAC 支持的文件类型; |
str | initial_folder | starting path for folders and files 文件或文件夹的初始路径或默认路径 |
str | default_extension | If no extension entered by user, add this to filename (only used in saveas dialogs) |
(bool or str) | disabled | If True button will be created disabled. If BUTTON_DISABLED_MEANS_IGNORE then the button will be ignored rather than disabled using tkinter True-按钮被禁用 False-按钮启用,默认启用 |
bool | change_submits | DO NOT USE. Only listed for backwards compat - Use enable_events instead 不使用。 仅为向后兼容列出 使用 enable_events替代 |
bool | enable_events | Turns on the element specific events. If this button is a target, should it generate an event when filled in |
str | image_filename | image filename if there is a button image. GIFs and PNGs only. 图片作为一个按钮,只支持GIF,PNG格式 |
bytes or str | image_data | Raw or Base64 representation of the image to put on button. Choose either filename or data Base64图片代码 |
(int, int) | image_size | Size of the image in pixels (width, height) 图片大小;width:长; height:高度 |
int | image_subsample | amount to reduce the size of the image. Divides the size by this number. 2=1/2, 3=1/3, 4=1/4, etc 图片缩放比例;参数只能是int, 例如设置为2,则图片会缩小到1/2的大小 |
int | border_width | width of border around button in pixels 按钮的边框 |
(int or None, int or None) or (None, None) or int | size | (w, h) w=characters-wide, h=rows-high. If an int instead of a tuple is supplied, then height is auto-set to 1 按钮的长度和高度 |
(int or None, int or None) or (None, None) or int | s | Same as size parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, size will be used size的别名 |
bool | auto_size_button | if True the button size is sized to fit the text True-自动适应文本的大小 |
(str, str) or str or (int, int) or None | button_color | Color of button. default is from theme or the window. Easy to remember which is which if you say "ON" between colors. "red" on "green". Normally a tuple, but can be a simplified-button-color-string "foreground on background". Can be a single color if want to set only the background. 按钮的背景色 如果是元组时,第一个参数为按钮字体颜色,第二个参数为按钮背景色 |
(str, str) or str | disabled_button_color | colors to use when button is disabled (text, background). Use None for a color if don't want to change. Only ttk buttons support both text and background colors. tk buttons only support changing text color 禁用按钮时使用的颜色(文本、背景)。 如果不想更改,请使用 None 作为颜色。 只有 ttk 按钮支持文本和背景颜色。 tk 按钮仅支持更改文本颜色 |
(str, str) | highlight_colors | colors to use when button has focus (has focus, does not have focus). None will use colors based on theme. Only used by Linux and only for non-TTK button 按钮有焦点时使用的颜色(有焦点,没有焦点)。 设置为None时会使用基于主题的颜色。 仅支持 Linux系统下使用且仅用于非 TTK 按钮 |
(str, str) or str | mouseover_colors | Important difference between Linux & Windows! Linux - Colors when mouse moved over button. Windows - colors when button is pressed. The default is to switch the text and background colors (an inverse effect) Linux 和 Windows 之间的重要区别! Linux - 鼠标移到按钮上时的颜色。 Windows - 按下按钮时的颜色。 默认是切换文本和背景颜色(反效果) |
bool | use_ttk_buttons | True = use ttk buttons. False = do not use ttk buttons. None (Default) = use ttk buttons only if on a Mac and not with button images True = 使用 ttk 按钮。 False = 不使用 ttk 按钮。 无(默认)= 仅在 Mac 上使用 ttk 按钮而不是按钮图像 |
(str or (str, int[, str]) or None) | font | specifies the font family, size, etc. Tuple or Single string format 'name size styles'. Styles: italic * roman bold normal underline overstrike 设置字体大小 |
bool | bind_return_key | If True the return key will cause this button to be pressed 如果为 True 则返回键将导致该按钮被按下 |
bool | focus | if True, initial focus will be put on this button 如果为 True,初始焦点将放在此按钮上 |
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int | pad | Amount of padding to put around element in pixels (left/right, top/bottom) or ((left, right), (top, bottom)) or an int. If an int, then it's converted into a tuple (int, int) 设置间距,参数对应(左,右),(上,下)也可以写成(左/右),(上/下) |
(int, int or (int, int),(int,int) or int,(int,int)) or ((int, int),int) or int | p | Same as pad parameter. It's an alias. If EITHER of them are set, then the one that's set will be used. If BOTH are set, pad will be used pad的别名 |
str or int or tuple or object | key | Used with window.find_element and with return values to uniquely identify this element to uniquely identify this element 标示唯一元素 |
str or int or tuple or object | k | Same as the Key. You can use either k or key. Which ever is set will be used. key的别名 |
List[List[ List[str] or str ]] | right_click_menu | A list of lists of Menu items to show when this element is right clicked. See user docs for exact format. 绑定右键事件,格式需为列表 |
bool | expand_x | If True the element will automatically expand in the X direction to fill available space 如果为 True 元素将自动在 X 方向扩展以填充可用空间 |
bool | expand_y | If True the element will automatically expand in the Y direction to fill available space 如果为 True 元素将自动在 Y 方向扩展以填充可用空间 |
bool | visible | set visibility state of the element 设置元素是否可见 True-可见,默认值 False-隐藏 |
Any | metadata | User metadata that can be set to ANYTHING 可以设置为 ANYTHING 的用户元数据 |
# encoding:utf-8
import PySimpleGUI as sg
if __name__ == '__main__':
layout = [
[sg.Text('Button Element Example', font=('宋体', 24), size=(50, 1), justification='center')],
[sg.Button(button_text="Start", # 按钮显示文本
tooltip='开始', # 鼠标滑到按钮时显示的文本
file_types=(('ALL Files', '*.* *'),), # 支持的文件类型,打开文件时可以用到
border_width=2, # 按钮边框
size=(10, 1), # 按钮的长度,高度
auto_size_button=True, # 自否自适应
button_color=('white', 'green'), # 按钮字体颜色, 按钮的背景色
font=('宋体', 18), # 设置字体,大小
bind_return_key=False, # 是否绑定按键
focus=True, # 鼠标是否放置在此按钮上
pad=((300, 0), (20, 0)), # 设置元素的间距 (左,右),(上,下)
key='START-EXEC', # 元素唯一标示
visible=True)] # 元素是否可见
window = sg.Window('按钮元素示例', layout)
while True: # Event Loop
event, values = window.read(timeout=1000)
if event in (None, 'Exit'):
4.bind 绑定事件
用于将 tkinter 事件添加到元素。 tkinter 特定数据在 Element 的成员变量 user_bind_event 中
bind(bind_string, key_modifier)
Type | Name | Meaning |
str | bind_string | The string tkinter expected in its bind function tkinter 在其绑定函数中预期的字符串 |
str | key_modifier | Additional data to be added to the element's key when event is returned 返回事件时要添加到元素键的附加数据 |
window['START-EXEC'].bind("<Return>", '-Return-Key') # 绑定回车事件
<Return> 对应回车键
-Return-Key 对应返回事件时增加的字符数据
# encoding:utf-8
import PySimpleGUI as sg
if __name__ == '__main__':
layout = [
[sg.Text('Button Element Example', font=('宋体', 24), size=(50, 1), justification='center')],
[sg.Button(button_text="Start", # 按钮显示文本
tooltip='开始', # 鼠标滑到按钮时显示的文本
file_types=(('ALL Files', '*.* *'),), # 支持的文件类型,打开文件时可以用到
border_width=2, # 按钮边框
size=(10, 1), # 按钮的长度,高度
auto_size_button=True, # 自否自适应
button_color=('white', 'green'), # 按钮字体颜色, 按钮的背景色
font=('宋体', 18), # 设置字体,大小
bind_return_key=False, # 是否绑定按键
focus=True, # 鼠标是否放置在此按钮上
pad=((300, 0), (20, 0)), # 设置元素的间距 (左,右),(上,下)
key='START-EXEC', # 元素唯一标示
visible=True)] # 元素是否可见
window = sg.Window('按钮元素示例', layout, finalize=True)
while True: # Event Loop
event, values = window.read(timeout=1000)
window['START-EXEC'].bind("<Return>", '-Return-Key') # 绑定回车事件
if event in (None, 'Exit'):
if event == 'START-EXEC-Return-Key': # 按回车键时返回的事件
以上就是今天要讲的内容,本文仅仅简单介绍了PySimpleGUI Button元素的使用,个别参数可能描述不太准确,请各位大佬纠正,谢谢!