

  • DGL的消息传递API
  • 自己实现一个GraphSage卷积模型


DGL 称 M ( l ) M^{(l)} M(l)为一个消息函数, ∑ \sum 是一个聚合函数, U ( l ) U^{(l)} U(l)是一个更新函数。

需要注意的是这里的 ∑ \sum 可以代表任意一个方法,而不仅仅是一个求和函数。

我们可以看出来消息传递是有方向的:消息从一个节点u传递到另一个节点v,与消息从节点v传递到节点u 不一定是一样的。


import dgl.function as fn

class SAGEConv(nn.Module):
    """Graph convolution module used by the GraphSAGE model.

    in_feat : int
        Input feature size.
    out_feat : int
        Output feature size.
    def __init__(self, in_feat, out_feat):
        super(SAGEConv, self).__init__()
        # A linear submodule for projecting the input and neighbor feature to the output.
        self.linear = nn.Linear(in_feat * 2, out_feat)

    def forward(self, g, h):
        """Forward computation

        g : Graph
            The input graph.
        h : Tensor
            The input node feature.
        with g.local_scope():
            g.ndata['h'] = h
            # update_all is a message passing API.
            g.update_all(message_func=fn.copy_u('h', 'm'), reduce_func=fn.mean('m', 'h_N'))
            h_N = g.ndata['h_N']
            h_total = torch.cat([h, h_N], dim=1)
            return self.linear(h_total)


  • 消息传递方法fn.copy_u('h', 'm')的作用是复制节点属性h作为特征传递给邻居信息
  • 聚合方法fn.mean('m', 'h_N')会将收到的信息m进行平均,让后保存到新的属性中h_N
  • update_all告诉DGL触发所有节点和边的消息传递和信息聚合模块


class Model(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_feats, h_feats, num_classes):
        super(Model, self).__init__()
        self.conv1 = SAGEConv(in_feats, h_feats)
        self.conv2 = SAGEConv(h_feats, num_classes)

    def forward(self, g, in_feat):
        h = self.conv1(g, in_feat)
        h = F.relu(h)
        h = self.conv2(g, h)
        return h



import dgl.data

dataset = dgl.data.CoraGraphDataset()
g = dataset[0]

def train(g, model):
    optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=0.01)
    all_logits = []
    best_val_acc = 0
    best_test_acc = 0

    features = g.ndata['feat']
    labels = g.ndata['label']
    train_mask = g.ndata['train_mask']
    val_mask = g.ndata['val_mask']
    test_mask = g.ndata['test_mask']
    for e in range(200):
        # Forward
        logits = model(g, features)

        # Compute prediction
        pred = logits.argmax(1)

        # Compute loss
        # Note that we should only compute the losses of the nodes in the training set,
        # i.e. with train_mask 1.
        loss = F.cross_entropy(logits[train_mask], labels[train_mask])

        # Compute accuracy on training/validation/test
        train_acc = (pred[train_mask] == labels[train_mask]).float().mean()
        val_acc = (pred[val_mask] == labels[val_mask]).float().mean()
        test_acc = (pred[test_mask] == labels[test_mask]).float().mean()

        # Save the best validation accuracy and the corresponding test accuracy.
        if best_val_acc < val_acc:
            best_val_acc = val_acc
            best_test_acc = test_acc

        # Backward

        if e % 5 == 0:
            print('In epoch {}, loss: {:.3f}, val acc: {:.3f} (best {:.3f}), test acc: {:.3f} (best {:.3f})'.format(
                e, loss, val_acc, best_val_acc, test_acc, best_test_acc))

model = Model(g.ndata['feat'].shape[1], 16, dataset.num_classes)
train(g, model)


In epoch 0, loss: 1.949, val acc: 0.122 (best 0.122), test acc: 0.130 (best 0.130)
In epoch 5, loss: 1.872, val acc: 0.326 (best 0.326), test acc: 0.347 (best 0.347)
In epoch 10, loss: 1.740, val acc: 0.386 (best 0.386), test acc: 0.424 (best 0.424)
In epoch 15, loss: 1.545, val acc: 0.460 (best 0.460), test acc: 0.495 (best 0.495)
In epoch 20, loss: 1.291, val acc: 0.536 (best 0.536), test acc: 0.575 (best 0.575)
In epoch 25, loss: 0.993, val acc: 0.620 (best 0.620), test acc: 0.653 (best 0.653)
In epoch 30, loss: 0.691, val acc: 0.682 (best 0.682), test acc: 0.690 (best 0.690)
In epoch 35, loss: 0.435, val acc: 0.728 (best 0.728), test acc: 0.721 (best 0.721)
In epoch 40, loss: 0.255, val acc: 0.742 (best 0.742), test acc: 0.747 (best 0.747)
In epoch 45, loss: 0.145, val acc: 0.738 (best 0.742), test acc: 0.751 (best 0.747)
In epoch 50, loss: 0.084, val acc: 0.740 (best 0.742), test acc: 0.756 (best 0.747)
In epoch 55, loss: 0.051, val acc: 0.744 (best 0.746), test acc: 0.759 (best 0.759)
In epoch 60, loss: 0.034, val acc: 0.752 (best 0.752), test acc: 0.762 (best 0.762)
In epoch 65, loss: 0.024, val acc: 0.752 (best 0.752), test acc: 0.765 (best 0.762)
In epoch 70, loss: 0.018, val acc: 0.754 (best 0.754), test acc: 0.769 (best 0.767)
In epoch 75, loss: 0.014, val acc: 0.756 (best 0.756), test acc: 0.772 (best 0.772)
In epoch 80, loss: 0.012, val acc: 0.758 (best 0.758), test acc: 0.770 (best 0.772)
In epoch 85, loss: 0.010, val acc: 0.758 (best 0.758), test acc: 0.769 (best 0.772)
In epoch 90, loss: 0.009, val acc: 0.760 (best 0.760), test acc: 0.772 (best 0.770)
In epoch 95, loss: 0.008, val acc: 0.760 (best 0.760), test acc: 0.773 (best 0.770)
In epoch 100, loss: 0.007, val acc: 0.762 (best 0.762), test acc: 0.770 (best 0.772)
In epoch 105, loss: 0.007, val acc: 0.762 (best 0.762), test acc: 0.769 (best 0.772)
In epoch 110, loss: 0.006, val acc: 0.762 (best 0.762), test acc: 0.769 (best 0.772)
In epoch 115, loss: 0.006, val acc: 0.760 (best 0.762), test acc: 0.770 (best 0.772)
In epoch 120, loss: 0.005, val acc: 0.760 (best 0.762), test acc: 0.769 (best 0.772)
In epoch 125, loss: 0.005, val acc: 0.758 (best 0.762), test acc: 0.769 (best 0.772)
In epoch 130, loss: 0.005, val acc: 0.758 (best 0.762), test acc: 0.769 (best 0.772)
In epoch 135, loss: 0.004, val acc: 0.758 (best 0.762), test acc: 0.768 (best 0.772)
In epoch 140, loss: 0.004, val acc: 0.758 (best 0.762), test acc: 0.768 (best 0.772)
In epoch 145, loss: 0.004, val acc: 0.758 (best 0.762), test acc: 0.768 (best 0.772)
In epoch 150, loss: 0.004, val acc: 0.758 (best 0.762), test acc: 0.768 (best 0.772)
In epoch 155, loss: 0.004, val acc: 0.756 (best 0.762), test acc: 0.769 (best 0.772)
In epoch 160, loss: 0.003, val acc: 0.758 (best 0.762), test acc: 0.771 (best 0.772)
In epoch 165, loss: 0.003, val acc: 0.756 (best 0.762), test acc: 0.772 (best 0.772)
In epoch 170, loss: 0.003, val acc: 0.756 (best 0.762), test acc: 0.773 (best 0.772)
In epoch 175, loss: 0.003, val acc: 0.756 (best 0.762), test acc: 0.772 (best 0.772)
In epoch 180, loss: 0.003, val acc: 0.756 (best 0.762), test acc: 0.772 (best 0.772)
In epoch 185, loss: 0.003, val acc: 0.756 (best 0.762), test acc: 0.772 (best 0.772)
In epoch 190, loss: 0.003, val acc: 0.756 (best 0.762), test acc: 0.772 (best 0.772)
In epoch 195, loss: 0.002, val acc: 0.756 (best 0.762), test acc: 0.772 (best 0.772)



class WeightedSAGEConv(nn.Module):
    """Graph convolution module used by the GraphSAGE model with edge weights.

    in_feat : int
        Input feature size.
    out_feat : int
        Output feature size.
    def __init__(self, in_feat, out_feat):
        super(WeightedSAGEConv, self).__init__()
        # A linear submodule for projecting the input and neighbor feature to the output.
        self.linear = nn.Linear(in_feat * 2, out_feat)

    def forward(self, g, h, w):
        """Forward computation

        g : Graph
            The input graph.
        h : Tensor
            The input node feature.
        w : Tensor
            The edge weight.
        with g.local_scope():
            g.ndata['h'] = h
            g.edata['w'] = w
            g.update_all(message_func=fn.u_mul_e('h', 'w', 'm'), reduce_func=fn.mean('m', 'h_N'))
            h_N = g.ndata['h_N']
            h_total = torch.cat([h, h_N], dim=1)
            return self.linear(h_total)


class Model(nn.Module):
    def __init__(self, in_feats, h_feats, num_classes):
        super(Model, self).__init__()
        self.conv1 = WeightedSAGEConv(in_feats, h_feats)
        self.conv2 = WeightedSAGEConv(h_feats, num_classes)

    def forward(self, g, in_feat):
        h = self.conv1(g, in_feat, torch.ones(g.num_edges(), 1).to(g.device))
        h = F.relu(h)
        h = self.conv2(g, h, torch.ones(g.num_edges(), 1).to(g.device))
        return h

model = Model(g.ndata['feat'].shape[1], 16, dataset.num_classes)
train(g, model)


In epoch 0, loss: 1.952, val acc: 0.102 (best 0.102), test acc: 0.082 (best 0.082)
In epoch 5, loss: 1.872, val acc: 0.206 (best 0.208), test acc: 0.212 (best 0.194)
In epoch 10, loss: 1.721, val acc: 0.428 (best 0.542), test acc: 0.449 (best 0.561)
In epoch 15, loss: 1.498, val acc: 0.424 (best 0.542), test acc: 0.439 (best 0.561)
In epoch 20, loss: 1.216, val acc: 0.552 (best 0.552), test acc: 0.560 (best 0.560)
In epoch 25, loss: 0.906, val acc: 0.656 (best 0.656), test acc: 0.655 (best 0.655)
In epoch 30, loss: 0.618, val acc: 0.696 (best 0.696), test acc: 0.717 (best 0.717)
In epoch 35, loss: 0.390, val acc: 0.722 (best 0.722), test acc: 0.741 (best 0.741)
In epoch 40, loss: 0.235, val acc: 0.718 (best 0.722), test acc: 0.748 (best 0.741)
In epoch 45, loss: 0.141, val acc: 0.722 (best 0.722), test acc: 0.755 (best 0.741)
In epoch 50, loss: 0.087, val acc: 0.730 (best 0.730), test acc: 0.757 (best 0.756)
In epoch 55, loss: 0.056, val acc: 0.728 (best 0.730), test acc: 0.761 (best 0.756)
In epoch 60, loss: 0.038, val acc: 0.728 (best 0.730), test acc: 0.758 (best 0.756)
In epoch 65, loss: 0.028, val acc: 0.728 (best 0.730), test acc: 0.756 (best 0.756)
In epoch 70, loss: 0.021, val acc: 0.732 (best 0.732), test acc: 0.756 (best 0.756)
In epoch 75, loss: 0.017, val acc: 0.732 (best 0.732), test acc: 0.756 (best 0.756)
In epoch 80, loss: 0.015, val acc: 0.732 (best 0.732), test acc: 0.753 (best 0.756)
In epoch 85, loss: 0.013, val acc: 0.732 (best 0.732), test acc: 0.753 (best 0.756)
In epoch 90, loss: 0.011, val acc: 0.732 (best 0.734), test acc: 0.754 (best 0.754)
In epoch 95, loss: 0.010, val acc: 0.732 (best 0.734), test acc: 0.754 (best 0.754)
In epoch 100, loss: 0.009, val acc: 0.734 (best 0.734), test acc: 0.753 (best 0.754)
In epoch 105, loss: 0.008, val acc: 0.732 (best 0.734), test acc: 0.754 (best 0.754)
In epoch 110, loss: 0.008, val acc: 0.732 (best 0.734), test acc: 0.754 (best 0.754)
In epoch 115, loss: 0.007, val acc: 0.736 (best 0.736), test acc: 0.753 (best 0.753)
In epoch 120, loss: 0.006, val acc: 0.736 (best 0.736), test acc: 0.754 (best 0.753)
In epoch 125, loss: 0.006, val acc: 0.736 (best 0.736), test acc: 0.755 (best 0.753)
In epoch 130, loss: 0.006, val acc: 0.736 (best 0.736), test acc: 0.756 (best 0.753)
In epoch 135, loss: 0.005, val acc: 0.736 (best 0.736), test acc: 0.756 (best 0.753)
In epoch 140, loss: 0.005, val acc: 0.736 (best 0.736), test acc: 0.756 (best 0.753)
In epoch 145, loss: 0.005, val acc: 0.738 (best 0.738), test acc: 0.756 (best 0.756)
In epoch 150, loss: 0.004, val acc: 0.738 (best 0.738), test acc: 0.757 (best 0.756)
In epoch 155, loss: 0.004, val acc: 0.738 (best 0.738), test acc: 0.758 (best 0.756)
In epoch 160, loss: 0.004, val acc: 0.738 (best 0.738), test acc: 0.758 (best 0.756)
In epoch 165, loss: 0.004, val acc: 0.738 (best 0.738), test acc: 0.757 (best 0.756)
In epoch 170, loss: 0.004, val acc: 0.738 (best 0.738), test acc: 0.757 (best 0.756)
In epoch 175, loss: 0.003, val acc: 0.738 (best 0.738), test acc: 0.758 (best 0.756)
In epoch 180, loss: 0.003, val acc: 0.738 (best 0.738), test acc: 0.758 (best 0.756)
In epoch 185, loss: 0.003, val acc: 0.738 (best 0.738), test acc: 0.758 (best 0.756)
In epoch 190, loss: 0.003, val acc: 0.738 (best 0.738), test acc: 0.758 (best 0.756)
In epoch 195, loss: 0.003, val acc: 0.740 (best 0.740), test acc: 0.758 (best 0.758)

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