#!/usr/bin/env python# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-"""设计db模块的原因:1. 更简单的操作数据库一次数据访问:数据库连接 => 游标对象 => 执行SQL => 处理异常 => 清理资源。db模块对这些过程进行封装,使得用户仅需关注SQL执行。2. 数据安全用户请求以多线程处理时,为了避免
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ 设计db模块的原因: 1. 更简单的操作数据库 一次数据访问: 数据库连接 => 游标对象 => 执行SQL => 处理异常 => 清理资源。 db模块对这些过程进行封装,使得用户仅需关注SQL执行。 2. 数据安全 用户请求以多线程处理时,为了避免多线程下的数据共享引起的数据混乱, 需要将数据连接以ThreadLocal对象传入。 设计db接口: 1.设计原则: 根据上层调用者设计简单易用的API接口 2. 调用接口 1. 初始化数据库连接信息 create_engine封装了如下功能: 1. 为数据库连接 准备需要的配置信息 2. 创建数据库连接(由生成的全局对象engine的 connect方法提供) from transwarp import db db.create_engine(user='root', password='password', database='test', host='', port=3306) 2. 执行SQL DML select 函数封装了如下功能: 1.支持一个数据库连接里执行多个SQL语句 2.支持链接的自动获取和释放 使用样例: users ='select * from user') # users => # [ # { "id": 1, "name": "Michael"}, # { "id": 2, "name": "Bob"}, # { "id": 3, "name": "Adam"} # ] 3. 支持事物 transaction 函数封装了如下功能: 1. 事务也可以嵌套,内层事务会自动合并到外层事务中,这种事务模型足够满足99%的需求 """ import time import uuid import functools import threading import logging # global engine object: engine = None def next_id(t=None): """ 生成一个唯一id 由 当前时间 + 随机数(由伪随机数得来)拼接得到 """ if t is None: t = time.time() return '%015d%s000' % (int(t * 1000), uuid.uuid4().hex) def _profiling(start, sql=''): """ 用于剖析sql的执行时间 """ t = time.time() - start if t > 0.1: logging.warning('[PROFILING] [DB] %s: %s' % (t, sql)) else:'[PROFILING] [DB] %s: %s' % (t, sql)) def create_engine(user, password, database, host='', port=3306, **kw): """ db模型的核心函数,用于连接数据库, 生成全局对象engine, engine对象持有数据库连接 """ import mysql.connector global engine if engine is not None: raise DBError('Engine is already initialized.') params = dict(user=user, password=password, database=database, host=host, port=port) defaults = dict(use_unicode=True, charset='utf8', collation='utf8_general_ci', autocommit=False) for k, v in defaults.iteritems(): params[k] = kw.pop(k, v) params.update(kw) params['buffered'] = True engine = _Engine(lambda: mysql.connector.connect(**params)) # test connection...'Init mysql engine <%s> ok.' % hex(id(engine))) def connection(): """ db模块核心函数,用于获取一个数据库连接 通过_ConnectionCtx对 _db_ctx封装,使得惰性连接可以自动获取和释放, 也就是可以使用 with语法来处理数据库连接 _ConnectionCtx 实现with语法 ^ | _db_ctx _DbCtx实例 ^ | _DbCtx 获取和释放惰性连接 ^ | _LasyConnection 实现惰性连接 """ return _ConnectionCtx() def with_connection(func): """ 设计一个装饰器 替换with语法,让代码更优雅 比如: @with_connection def foo(*args, **kw): f1() f2() f3() """ @functools.wraps(func) def _wrapper(*args, **kw): with _ConnectionCtx(): return func(*args, **kw) return _wrapper def transaction(): """ db模块核心函数 用于实现事物功能 支持事物: with db.transaction():'...') db.update('...') db.update('...') 支持事物嵌套: with db.transaction(): transaction1 transaction2 ... """ return _TransactionCtx() def with_transaction(func): """ 设计一个装饰器 替换with语法,让代码更优雅 比如: @with_transaction def do_in_transaction(): >>> @with_transaction ... def update_profile(id, name, rollback): ... u = dict(id=id, name=name, email='' % name, passwd=name, last_modified=time.time()) ... insert('user', **u) ... update('update user set passwd=? where id=?', name.upper(), id) ... if rollback: ... raise StandardError('will cause rollback...') >>> update_profile(8080, 'Julia', False) >>> select_one('select * from user where id=?', 8080).passwd u'JULIA' >>> update_profile(9090, 'Robert', True) Traceback (most recent call last): ... StandardError: will cause rollback... """ @functools.wraps(func) def _wrapper(*args, **kw): start = time.time() with _TransactionCtx(): func(*args, **kw) _profiling(start) return _wrapper @with_connection def _select(sql, first, *args): """ 执行SQL,返回一个结果 或者多个结果组成的列表 """ global _db_ctx cursor = None sql = sql.replace('?', '%s')'SQL: %s, ARGS: %s' % (sql, args)) try: cursor = _db_ctx.connection.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, args) if cursor.description: names = [x[0] for x in cursor.description] if first: values = cursor.fetchone() if not values: return None return Dict(names, values) return [Dict(names, x) for x in cursor.fetchall()] finally: if cursor: cursor.close() def select_one(sql, *args): """ 执行SQL 仅返回一个结果 如果没有结果 返回None 如果有1个结果,返回一个结果 如果有多个结果,返回第一个结果 >>> u1 = dict(id=100, name='Alice', email='', passwd='ABC-12345', last_modified=time.time()) >>> u2 = dict(id=101, name='Sarah', email='', passwd='ABC-12345', last_modified=time.time()) >>> insert('user', **u1) 1 >>> insert('user', **u2) 1 >>> u = select_one('select * from user where id=?', 100) >>> u'Alice' >>> select_one('select * from user where email=?', '') >>> u2 = select_one('select * from user where passwd=? order by email', 'ABC-12345') >>> u'Alice' """ return _select(sql, True, *args) def select_int(sql, *args): """ 执行一个sql 返回一个数值, 注意仅一个数值,如果返回多个数值将触发异常 >>> u1 = dict(id=96900, name='Ada', email='', passwd='A-12345', last_modified=time.time()) >>> u2 = dict(id=96901, name='Adam', email='', passwd='A-12345', last_modified=time.time()) >>> insert('user', **u1) 1 >>> insert('user', **u2) 1 >>> select_int('select count(*) from user') 5 >>> select_int('select count(*) from user where email=?', '') 1 >>> select_int('select count(*) from user where email=?', '') 0 >>> select_int('select id from user where email=?', '') 96900 >>> select_int('select id, name from user where email=?', '') Traceback (most recent call last): ... MultiColumnsError: Expect only one column. """ d = _select(sql, True, *args) if len(d) != 1: raise MultiColumnsError('Expect only one column.') return d.values()[0] def select(sql, *args): """ 执行sql 以列表形式返回结果 >>> u1 = dict(id=200, name='Wall.E', email='', passwd='back-to-earth', last_modified=time.time()) >>> u2 = dict(id=201, name='Eva', email='', passwd='back-to-earth', last_modified=time.time()) >>> insert('user', **u1) 1 >>> insert('user', **u2) 1 >>> L = select('select * from user where id=?', 900900900) >>> L [] >>> L = select('select * from user where id=?', 200) >>> L[0].email u'' >>> L = select('select * from user where passwd=? order by id desc', 'back-to-earth') >>> L[0].name u'Eva' >>> L[1].name u'Wall.E' """ return _select(sql, False, *args) @with_connection def _update(sql, *args): """ 执行update 语句,返回update的行数 """ global _db_ctx cursor = None sql = sql.replace('?', '%s')'SQL: %s, ARGS: %s' % (sql, args)) try: cursor = _db_ctx.connection.cursor() cursor.execute(sql, args) r = cursor.rowcount if _db_ctx.transactions == 0: # no transaction enviroment:'auto commit') _db_ctx.connection.commit() return r finally: if cursor: cursor.close() def update(sql, *args): """ 执行update 语句,返回update的行数 >>> u1 = dict(id=1000, name='Michael', email='', passwd='123456', last_modified=time.time()) >>> insert('user', **u1) 1 >>> u2 = select_one('select * from user where id=?', 1000) >>> u'' >>> u2.passwd u'123456' >>> update('update user set email=?, passwd=? where id=?', '', '654321', 1000) 1 >>> u3 = select_one('select * from user where id=?', 1000) >>> u'' >>> u3.passwd u'654321' >>> update('update user set passwd=? where id=?', '***', '123') 0 """ return _update(sql, *args) def insert(table, **kw): """ 执行insert语句 >>> u1 = dict(id=2000, name='Bob', email='', passwd='bobobob', last_modified=time.time()) >>> insert('user', **u1) 1 >>> u2 = select_one('select * from user where id=?', 2000) >>> u'Bob' >>> insert('user', **u2) Traceback (most recent call last): ... IntegrityError: 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry '2000' for key 'PRIMARY' """ cols, args = zip(*kw.iteritems()) sql = 'insert into `%s` (%s) values (%s)' % (table, ','.join(['`%s`' % col for col in cols]), ','.join(['?' for i in range(len(cols))])) return _update(sql, *args) class Dict(dict): """ 字典对象 实现一个简单的可以通过属性访问的字典,比如 x.key = value """ def __init__(self, names=(), values=(), **kw): super(Dict, self).__init__(**kw) for k, v in zip(names, values): self[k] = v def __getattr__(self, key): try: return self[key] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(r"'Dict' object has no attribute '%s'" % key) def __setattr__(self, key, value): self[key] = value class DBError(Exception): pass class MultiColumnsError(DBError): pass class _Engine(object): """ 数据库引擎对象 用于保存 db模块的核心函数:create_engine 创建出来的数据库连接 """ def __init__(self, connect): self._connect = connect def connect(self): return self._connect() class _LasyConnection(object): """ 惰性连接对象 仅当需要cursor对象时,才连接数据库,获取连接 """ def __init__(self): self.connection = None def cursor(self): if self.connection is None: _connection = engine.connect()'[CONNECTION] [OPEN] connection <%s>...' % hex(id(_connection))) self.connection = _connection return self.connection.cursor() def commit(self): self.connection.commit() def rollback(self): self.connection.rollback() def cleanup(self): if self.connection: _connection = self.connection self.connection = None'[CONNECTION] [CLOSE] connection <%s>...' % hex(id(connection))) _connection.close() class _DbCtx(threading.local): """ db模块的核心对象, 数据库连接的上下文对象,负责从数据库获取和释放连接 取得的连接是惰性连接对象,因此只有调用cursor对象时,才会真正获取数据库连接 该对象是一个 Thread local对象,因此绑定在此对象上的数据 仅对本线程可见 """ def __init__(self): self.connection = None self.transactions = 0 def is_init(self): """ 返回一个布尔值,用于判断 此对象的初始化状态 """ return self.connection is not None def init(self): """ 初始化连接的上下文对象,获得一个惰性连接对象 """'open lazy connection...') self.connection = _LasyConnection() self.transactions = 0 def cleanup(self): """ 清理连接对象,关闭连接 """ self.connection.cleanup() self.connection = None def cursor(self): """ 获取cursor对象, 真正取得数据库连接 """ return self.connection.cursor() # thread-local db context: _db_ctx = _DbCtx() class _ConnectionCtx(object): """ 因为_DbCtx实现了连接的 获取和释放,但是并没有实现连接 的自动获取和释放,_ConnectCtx在 _DbCtx基础上实现了该功能, 因此可以对 _ConnectCtx 使用with 语法,比如: with connection(): pass with connection(): pass """ def __enter__(self): """ 获取一个惰性连接对象 """ global _db_ctx self.should_cleanup = False if not _db_ctx.is_init(): _db_ctx.init() self.should_cleanup = True return self def __exit__(self, exctype, excvalue, traceback): """ 释放连接 """ global _db_ctx if self.should_cleanup: _db_ctx.cleanup() class _TransactionCtx(object): """ 事务嵌套比Connection嵌套复杂一点,因为事务嵌套需要计数, 每遇到一层嵌套就+1,离开一层嵌套就-1,最后到0时提交事务 """ def __enter__(self): global _db_ctx self.should_close_conn = False if not _db_ctx.is_init(): # needs open a connection first: _db_ctx.init() self.should_close_conn = True _db_ctx.transactions += 1'begin transaction...' if _db_ctx.transactions == 1 else 'join current transaction...') return self def __exit__(self, exctype, excvalue, traceback): global _db_ctx _db_ctx.transactions -= 1 try: if _db_ctx.transactions == 0: if exctype is None: self.commit() else: self.rollback() finally: if self.should_close_conn: _db_ctx.cleanup() def commit(self): global _db_ctx'commit transaction...') try: _db_ctx.connection.commit()'commit ok.') except: logging.warning('commit failed. try rollback...') _db_ctx.connection.rollback() logging.warning('rollback ok.') raise def rollback(self): global _db_ctx logging.warning('rollback transaction...') _db_ctx.connection.rollback()'rollback ok.') if __name__ == '__main__': logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) create_engine('www-data', 'www-data', 'test', '') update('drop table if exists user') update('create table user (id int primary key, name text, email text, passwd text, last_modified real)') import doctest doctest.testmod()