rodeo python

Rodeo 1.0发布 (Rodeo 1.0 Release)

When we released our in-browser IDE for Python earlier this year, we couldn’t believe the response. Thousands of our readers all over the world saddled up and told their friends and colleagues to do the same (no more puns, we promise).

当我们在今年早些时候发布了适用于Python的浏览器内置IDE时,我们简直不敢相信响应。 全世界有成千上万的读者屈服,告诉他们的朋友和同事也这样做(我们保证不会再有双关语了)。

That reaction, as well as the endless search for hacks to make our lives easier, got us thinking about how to make Rodeo even better. Over the past few months, we’ve been working on Rodeo 1.0, a version of Rodeo than runs right on your desktop. Download the installers for Windows, OS X, or Linux here.

这种React以及对黑客的无休止搜索,使我们的生活更轻松,这使我们开始思考如何使Rodeo变得更好。 在过去的几个月中,我们一直在开发Rodeo 1.0,这是一个Rodeo版本,可以直接在您的桌面上运行。 在此处下载适用于Windows,OS X或Linux安装程序

喜欢你看到的吗? (Like what you see?)
立即下载! (Download it now!)

我们为什么建造它:那时和现在 (Why we built it: Then and now)

We originally built Rodeo because we like the Jupyter Notebook for presentations and tutorials, but thought it was a bit clunky for daily work. We wanted a one-stop IDE for Python with a good text editor, a simple plot window and a terminal with autocomplete.

我们最初建造Rodeo是因为我们喜欢Jupyter Notebook来进行演示和教程,但认为它对于日常工作而言有些笨拙。 我们想要一个一站式的Python IDE,它需要一个良好的文本编辑器,一个简单的绘图窗口以及一个具有自动完成功能的终端。

Autocomplete from both the console and the editor.


The first version of Rodeo was a command line tool that ran a local web app. In talking with users (and non-users) we learned that by distributing Rodeo via the command line immediately reduced the number of people who could use the product.

Rodeo的第一个版本是运行本地Web应用程序的命令行工具。 通过与用户(和非用户)交谈,我们了解到通过在命令行中分发Rodeo可以立即减少可以使用该产品的人数。

Create and manage your plots.


So the biggest decision we made (and probably the most obvious thing) is that we we decided it was time to take Rodeo from the browser to the desktop. As an installable app, Rodeo 1.0 runs on your computer and runs as a standalone application–not a web app that’s masquerading as one.

因此,我们做出的最大决定(也许是最明显的事情)是,我们决定是时候将Rodeo从浏览器移植到桌面了。 Rodeo 1.0作为可安装的应用程序,可以在您的计算机上运行,​​并且可以作为独立的应用程序运行,而不是伪装成一个的Web应用程序。

Use your vim and emacs keyboards from within Rodeo.


去拿 (Go get ‘em)

You can find and download Rodeo 1.0 on our website. While you’re there, you can watch the demo or read the docs to find out more about some of our favorite Rodeo features.

您可以在我们的网站上找到并下载Rodeo 1.0。 在这里,您可以观看演示阅读文档,以了解更多有关我们最喜欢的Rodeo功能的信息。

All your favorite shortcuts like ⌘ + t and ⌘ + enter

your ⌘ + t⌘ + enter所有您喜欢的快捷键

“老牛仔竞技表演”发生了什么? (What happened to “Old Rodeo”?)

The old version of Rodeo is right where we left it. We know there are people using it and we don’t plan on it going anywhere. As the project progresses, we plan on merging the desktop and the browser Rodeo experiences closer together.

旧版本的Rodeo 就在我们离开的地方 。 我们知道有人在使用它,我们不打算在任何地方使用它。 随着项目的进行,我们计划合并桌面和浏览器,让Rodeo体验更加紧密。

Download Rodeo.exe and double-click-install to get going!


牛仔竞技吧! (Let’s Rodeo!)

But let’s not kid ourselves; we know that you’ve probably already installed Rodeo 1.0 at this point and are eager to get started, which is exactly what we’d hoped for. Just know that we’ve got resources if you need them, with more on the way soon.

但是,我们不要自欺欺人。 我们知道您可能已经安装了Rodeo 1.0,并且渴望入门,这正是我们所希望的。 只要知道,如果您需要资源,我们就会为您提供资源,并且还会有更多资源。

想尝试一下吗? (Want to try it out?)

立即下载! (Download it now!)


rodeo python


