链接: DBLP操作如下图,点击【browse】选择【journals】,接着可以按照首字母检索,例如【TPAMI】,点击进去【1981-2021】都在里面了计算机各个领域的顶会和顶刊领域顶会顶刊计算机视觉CVPR: International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern RecognitionTPAMI: IEEE Trans on Pat
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领域 顶会 顶刊 计算机视觉 CVPR: International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition
TPAMI: IEEE Trans on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
ICCV: International Conference on Computer Vision
TIP: IEEE Transactions on Image Processing ECCV: European Conference on Computer Vision
JMLR:Journalof Machine Learning Research ICIP: International Conference on on Image Processing TNNLS: IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and learning systems ICPR:International Conference on Pattern Recognition Pattern Recognition ACCV: Asia Conference on Computer Vision 机器学习 ICML: International Conference on Machine Learning MLJ:Machine Learning NIPS: Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems Trends in ML: Trends in Machine Learning COLT:Conference on Learning Theory IEEE T-NN: IEEE Transactions on Neueal Networks UAI:Conference on Uncertianty in Artificial Intelligence AISTATS:Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics
人工智能 AAAI: AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning IJCAI: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence Neural Computation ACM/SigIR IJCAI: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence Pami NIPS: Neural Information Processing Systems IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy systems ICML: International Conference on Machine Learning IEEE Transactions on Neueal Networks