牛晓光,武汉大学计算机学院教授,CCF/IEEE/ACM会员,CCF物联网专委会委员,教育部创新团队成员。研究领域包括移动感知与智能计算、物联网、空间智能认知与位置服务、计算机网络、网络安全与隐私保护、模式识别/人工智能在移动计算/位置服务方面的应用。主持国家自然科学基金2项,国家重点研发计划项目子课题2项,湖北省自然科学基金2项,湖北省教改项目1项,教育部重点实验室开放基金1项。作为研究骨干获北京市科技进步奖一项;在国际期刊和会议发表论文30余篇(SCI 检索15篇),担任多个国际会议/SCI期刊的审稿人。




[1]Xiaoguang Niu,Chun Zhang, Ankang Wang, Jingbin Liu. A Crowdsourcing-based Wi-Fi Fingerprinting Mechanism Using Un-Supervised Learning. International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications (WASA2018), pp. 1-9, Mar., 2018.

[2]Zhibo Wang, Ran Tan, Jiahui Hu, Jing Zhao, Qian Wang, Feng Xia, and Xiaoguang Niu. Heterogeneous incentive mechanism for time-sensitive and location-dependent crowdsensing networks with random arrivals. Computer Networks, 131(2018), pp.96-109, 2018. (SCI检索)

[3]Xiaoguang Niu, Qiongzan Ye, Yihao Zhang, Dengpan Ye. A Privacy-Preserving Identification Mechanism for Mobile Sensing Systems. IEEE Access, pp.1-11, 2018. Doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2803129. (SCI检索)

[4]Xiaoguang Niu, Jiawei Wang, Qiongzan Ye, Yihao Zhang. A Privacy-Preserving Incentive Mechanism for Participatory Sensing Systems. Security and Communication Networks (SCN), pp.1-15, 2018. doi:10.1155/2018/2593537. (SCI检索)

[5]Xiaoguang Niu, Zhen Wang, Qiongzan Ye, Yihao Zhang, Jiawei Wang. A hierarchical-learning-based crowdedness estimation mechanism for crowdsensing buses. IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC2017), pp. 1-8, Dec., 2017. (EI检索)

[6]Xiaoguang Niu, Yihao Zhang, Yalan Yao, Xu Chen*, Josep Miquel Jornet, Jin Liu. An Energy-Efficient Source-Anonymity Protocol in Surveillance Systems. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (PUC), 20(5), pp.771-783, 2016. (SCI检索)

[7]Ziwei Liu, Xiaoguang Niu, Xu Lin, Ting Huang, Yunlong Wu, Hui Li. A Task-centric Cooperative Sensing Scheme for Mobile Crowdsourcing Systems. Sensors, 16(5):1-19, 2016. (SCI检索)

[8]Xiaoguang Niu, Yihao Zhang, Ting Huang, Xiaoping Wu. OSim: An OLAP-based Similarity Search Service Solver for Dynamic Information Networks. International Conference on Wireless Algorithms, Systems, and Applications (WASA2016), LNCS, Vol. 9798, pp.536-547, Aug. 2016.(EI检索)

[9]牛晓光,魏川博.无线传感网中能量均衡高效的源位置隐私保护协议.通信学报, 37(4):2016069, 2016. (EI检索)

[10]Xiaoguang Niu, Ying Zhu, Qingqing Cao, Kun Zheng, Wei Xie. An Online Traffic Prediction Based Routing Service Mechanism for Smart City. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks IJDSN, 2015(970256):1-16, 2015. (SCI检索)

[11]牛晓光,魏川博,冯为江,彭国军,张焕国. ONSA:传感网中基于优化非均匀统计特性的源匿名协议.通信学报, 36(6):2015143, 2015. (EI检索)

[12]Jin Liu, Juan Li, Xiaohui Cui, Xiaoguang Niu, Xiaoping Sun, Jing Zhou. Social Sensing Enhanced Time Estimation for Bus Service. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 27(15), pp. 3961-3981, 2015. (SCI检索)

[13]Jin Liu, Juan Li, Xiaoguang Niu, Xiaohui Cui, Yunchuan Sun. GreenOCR: An Energy-efficient Optimal Clustering Routing Protocol. Computer Journal. 58(6), pp.1344-1359, 2015. (SCI检索)

[14]Xiaoguang Niu, Meng Li, Qianyuan Chen, Qingqing Cao, Houzhen Wang. EPPI: An E-cent-based Privacy-preserving Incentive Mechanism for Participatory Sensing Systems. IEEE International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC2014), pp. 1-8, Dec., 2014. (EI检索)

[15]Xiaoguang Niu, Ying Zhu, Xining Zhang. DeepSense: A Novel Learning Mechanism for Traffic Prediction with Taxi GPS Traces. IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference (GLOBECOM2014), pp. 2805-2810, Dec., 2014. (EI检索)

[16]Xiaoguang Niu, Meng Li, Jin Liu. WTrack: HMM-based Walk Pattern Recognition and Indoor Pedestrian Tracking Using Phone Inertial Sensors. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing (PUC), 18(8), pp.1901-1915, 2014. (SCI检索)

[17]Xiaoguang Niu, Chuanbo Wei, Weijing Feng. OSAP: Optimal-cluster-based Source Anonymity Protocol in Delay-sensitive Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2014), pp.2880- 2885, Apr., 2014(EI检索)

[18]Nengcheng Chen, Xu Chen, Ke Wang, Xiaoguang Niu. Progress and challenges in the architecture and service pattern of Earth Observation Sensor Web for Digital Earth. International Journal of Digital Earth. 7(12):935-951, 2014. (SCI检索)


2018 全国研究生移动终端应用设计创新大赛一等奖 - "优秀指导教师"

2018 中国高校计算机大赛-"优秀指导教师"

2013 全国大学生信息安全竞赛一等奖 - "优秀指导教师"

2014 北京科技进步三等奖



