【2048游戏实现】 | 01- 准备工作
实验环境Redhat Linux系统(非必须)python3.6解释器Pycharm IDE工具wxpython跨平台GUI工具包难点1: 安装wxpythonpip安装各种报错,经过多方尝试,还是得看官方文档;官方文档要点Yes, we have Linux Wheels. Sort of.Because of the differences b...
- Redhat Linux系统(非必须)
- python3.6解释器
- Pycharm IDE工具
- wxpython跨平台GUI工具包
难点1: 安装wxpython
Yes, we have Linux Wheels. Sort of.
Because of the differences between Linux distributions (mainly different versions of the core libraries installed by default, but also platform architecture and etc.) it is not possible to host binary wheel files for Linux on PyPI unless they can be made to work within the constraints of PEP 513 Unfortunately, attempts to pound the wxPython peg into the manylinux1 hole have not been very successful. Maybe manylinux2 will be a better fit. In the meantime, if you have a Linux similar enough to those used to build the wheels located under the wxPython Extras linux folder, then you can use them and not need to build the wheels yourself.
Since there are various options for distro and wx port (GTK2 or GTK3) then the files can not all be located in the same folder for easy access by pip. This simply just means that you’ll need to drill down a little further to find the URL to give to pip. For example, to get the GTK3 wxPython builds for Ubuntu 16.04 (and 16.10, LinuxMint 18, and probably others) you can use a pip command like this:
pip install -U \
-f https://extras.wxpython.org/wxPython4/extras/linux/gtk3/ubuntu-16.04 \
Of course you can always download the wheel file yourself and then use pip to install your local copy of the file.