COMP1721 Object-Oriented Programming

Coursework 1: Creating & Using Classes

  1. Introduction

Your task is to implement a Java version of the recently popular word game Wordle, using classes that follow our specifications. These classes are described by the UML diagram in Figure 1.


Figure 1: Main classes used in Coursework 1.

The class WordList represents the list of words used by Wordle. Words are loaded from a file, and the name of this file is supplied when creating a WordList object. The size of the word list can be obtained by calling the size() method on a WordList object. A word is chosen from the list using the getWord() method, passing in an integer representing the game number. A value of 0 means Game 0—i.e., the first ever game of Wordle. For this value, the method should return the first word in the list. For a value of 1, it should return the second word in the list, and so on.

The class Guess represents a single guess in a game of Wordle. A Guess object knows the guess number, an int value in the range 1–6. This value is stored in the guessNumber field. A Guess object also stores the word chosen by the player, in the chosenWord field. The constructors of Guess initialize either the guess number alone, or both guess number and chosen word. Validation is done for both fields.

If a Guess object is created without initializing the chosen word, then the readFromPlayer() method can be used to obtain that word from the player.

The Guess object provides two methods that can be used to evaluate a player’s guess. The matches() method takes a string parameter representing the target word (the word the player is trying to guess). The method returns true if the player’s chosen word matches the target, false if it doesn’t match. The other method, comparesWith(), also takes the target word as a parameter. It returns a string in which ANSI escape codes are used to render the letters of the player’s chosen word in different colours: green means the letter is in the target word and is in the right position; yellow means the letter is in the target but in the wrong position; and white means the letter is not in the target.

The class Game maintains associations with a single WordList object and a sequence of Guess objects. It also has fields to represent the game number and the target word associated with that game number. These fields are initialized in different ways by the two constructors. The differences are explained later.

The class provides two other methods. The play() method plays an entire game of Wordle. It will need to create and store Guess objects representing each guess made by the player. The method will also need to check each guess, printing the string returned by the compareWith method.

The save() method of Game has a string parameter representing a filename. The method should save a summary of the game to the specified file. This summary should consist of one line for each guess made. This line should contain the string returned by the comparesWith() method.

  1. Preparation

It is important that you follow the instructions below precisely.

    1. Download from Minerva or Teams. Put this file in the coursework directory of your repository.
    2. Unzip the Zip archive. You can do this from the command line in Linux, macOS and WSL 2 with


    1. Make sure that you have the following files and subdirectories immediately below cwk1:










IMPORTANT: Make sure that this is exactly what you see! For example, you should NOT have a subdirectory of cwk1 that is itself named cwk1. Thus the path to the README file, relative to the repository directory, should be coursework/cwk1/ Fix any problems with the directory structure before proceeding any further.

    1. Remove  Use Git to add and commit the new files,  then push your commit up  to The following commands, executed in a terminal window while in the coursework directory of your repository, will achieve all of this:

git add cwk1

git commit -m "Initial files for Coursework 1" git push

Important note for Windows Users

If you are doing this work on your own Windows PC, make sure you have the Windows Terminal app installed. You will need to use this to see meaningful output from the Wordle application when you run it. The standard command window that appears when you run cmd.exe will NOT be suitable.

You can obtain the Windows Terminal app from the Microsoft Store.

  1. Class Skeletons

An essential first step is to create skeletons of the three classes from Figure 1. You need to write stubs (dummy versions) of the constructors and methods in these classes, to ensure that the tests compile and run. Once the tests are running successfully, you can repeatedly run them to check that you are implementing the classes properly.

The .java files for these classes are in src/main/java/comp1721/cwk1. Edit each of these files and implement stubs for the features shown on the UML diagram. Use the ‘To Do’ comments in each file and the notes below to guide you.

  • Use identical method names to those shown on the diagram.
  • Give your stubs the same return types as the methods shown on the diagram.
    • Use void for a method if there is no return type on the diagram.
    • Do not use void when defining a constructor!
  • Stubs of constructors and void methods should be empty.
  • Stubs for methods that return something should return a fixed value—e.g., zero for methods that return an int, or an empty string for those that are supposed to return a String object.

When you’ve implemented the stubs, run the tests from the command line like this:

./gradlew test

(On Microsoft Windows, omit the ./ from this command.)

If you’ve implemented the stubs correctly, the tests should compile and run, but you should see FAILED next to each of them—a total of 13 failures.

  1. Basic Solution (13 marks)

For the basic solution, you need to implement the WordList and Guess class as specified in Figure 1. This part of the assignment is marked automatically, with your mark being based on the number of automated tests that pass. The subsections below provide implementation advice for each class.

    1. Implementing WordList

You should find that Lectures 7 & 8 and Exercise 8 are helpful in showing you what is needed in the

WordList class.

In the constructor, use one of the approaches discussed in Lecture 8 to read the words from the specified file. You should not catch any exceptions here, so you will need to write an exception specification indicating that an IOException can be thrown by the constructor.

The getWord() method should do some validation of the provided gameNumber parameter. It should throw a GameException if the value of this parameter is invalid.

    1. Implementing Guess

The one-parameter constructor should initialize the guessNumber field from the supplied parameter. It should validate this parameter, checking to make sure that it is in the allowed range of 1–6, throwing a GameException if not. This constructor doesn’t need to do anything to initialize chosenWord; Java will ensure that its value is null.

The two-parameter constructor should initialize the guessNumber and chosenWord fields from the supplied parameters. It should handle guess number the same way as the one-parameter constructor. It should validate the supplied value for the chosenWord field, checking that it consists of 5 alphabetic characters, throwing GameException if not. It should call toUpperCase() on the supplied string to ensure that chosenWord is in upper case.

The compareWith() method will be the most complex of the class. This method will need to build up the output string piece by piece. It will need to compare each letter of the chosen word with the corresponding letter of the target word. When the two letters are the same, it will need to output the letter with a green background, using ANSI escape codes. For example, if C is the first letter of both the chosen word and the target word, the following will need to be output:

"\033[30;102m C \033[0m"

If, on the other hand, the C of the chosen word occurs at a different location in the target word, a yellow background will be needed:

"\033[30;103m C \033[0m"

Finally, if there is no C in the target word, it should be given a white background:

"\033[30;107m C \033[0m"

  1. Full Solution (9 marks)

For the full solution, you need to implement the Game class as shown in Figure 1. The following subsections provide implementation advice for this class.

Note that you should not implement a main method in Game. The main method has been provided for you, in a separate class named Wordle. You can study the code for this class if you like, but you should not modify this code in any way.

Once Game has been implemented properly, you should be able to run the Wordle application from the command line with

./gradlew run

This will run today’s Wordle game—see Figure 2 for an example. If you want to run with a ‘fixed’ game, in which the target word is always the same, use this instead:

./gradlew runFixed

This will run Wordle 100 (for which the target word is BASIC).

Figure 2: Example of Wordle program behaviour.

    1. Game Constructors

The one-parameter constructor is used to create a Game object that plays today’s game of Wordle. The parameter to this constructor is the name of the words file, which can be used to create a WordList object containing the required words.

In order to initialize the gameNumber field, the one-parameter constructor will need to determine the number of today’s game. This value is simply the number of days that have elapsed since the very first Wordle game, Game 0, on 19 June 2021.

Computing the number of days can be accomplished fairly easily using the LocalDate class, from the java.time package. For example, you can create a LocalDate set to a specific date such as 10 February 2022 by using

LocalDate.of(2022, 2, 10)

You can also create a LocalDate set to today’s date using Given two of these date objects, there are several different ways of determining the time interval between them—see Baeldung’s Introduction to the Java Date/Time API for examples.

Once the game number has been determined, this can be used together with the previously created WordList object to get today’s target word.

The two-parameter constructor is a bit simpler because it uses the game number given to it as a parameter, rather than determining the game number for today’s game.

Both constructors will need an exception specification for IOException. Do not try to catch exceptions of this type inside the constructors!

    1. The play() Method

The play() method should play a game of Wordle, with player input and program output following the example in Figure 2. You will need to create Guess objects and store them, for later use in the save() method (see 5.3). Each Guess object will need to be loaded with the word chosen by the player, after which a comparison should be made with the target word, the results being printed in the terminal.

At the end of a successful game, the application should display one of three possible outputs,  as shown  in Table 1. If the player has failed to guess the target word, the application should display the message Nope - Better luck next time! on one line, followed by the target word on the next line.


  Guesses   Expected output                       

1                 Superb - Got it in one!

2–5             Well done!

  6               That was a close call! 

Table 1: Possible outputs from a successful game.

    1. The save() Method

The save() method should save a game summary to a text file with the given filename. Essentially, this means printing to a file the strings returned when the compareWith() method is called on the Guess objects that were previously stored during execution of the play() method.

The easiest approach here is to create a PrintWriter object associated with the given file—see Lecture 8 for examples. Once you’ve done this, you can call println on that object to write lines to the file.

The Wordle program is configured to call save() with build/lastgame.txt specified as the output file. You can examine this file in the terminal to see whether your implementation functions correctly. Figure 3 shows an example of doing this.


Figure 3: Examining the file generated by the save() method.

On Windows, which doesn’t have a cat command, you can use type build\lastgame.txt instead.

  1. Advanced Solution ( marks)

The following subsections describe optional features that you can implement to earn a few extra marks. You can tackle as many of these as you like, but the maximum reward for advanced features is 6 marks.

Some of the options listed here are considerably more challenging. You should attempt them only if you manage to complete the Basic and Full solutions fairly quickly and easily.

    1. Accessible Wordle

Wordle isn’t particularly accessible to people who have impaired colour vision, or people who rely on screen readers. Add an accessibilty option to the application so that it can display more accessible output. The option should be activated by supplying -a as the first command line argument. It should still be possible to specify the game number as an additional command line argument.

With the accessibility option enabled, the example of Figure 2 could look like this:

Enter guess (1/6): earth

1st correct but in wrong place, 2nd perfect Enter guess (2/6): sabre

1st correct but in wrong place, 2nd and 5th perfect Enter guess (3/6): cause

2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th perfect Enter guess (4/6): pause

You won!

Implementing this feature will earn up to 2 additional marks.

Note that you’ll need to modify build.gradle here, adding a new run task that runs the application with the -a option. You can copy and alter the runFixed task for this.

    1. History and Summary Statistics

Add a history feature to the application, so that it stores the outcome of each game in a file named history.txt. Information stored in this file should include the game number, whether the word was guessed successfully or not, and the number of guesses that were made.

Then used the saved history to implement the equivalent in the terminal of Wordle’s summary screen. At the end of play, the application should display

      • Number of games played

      • Percentage of games that were wins
      • Length of the current winning streak
      • Longest winning streak
      • Histogram of guess distribution

Implementing both of these features will earn up to 4 marks.

    1. JavaFX GUI

Investigate JavaFX, a framework for developing GUIs in Java. Use JavaFX to create a separate GUI-based version of the Wordle application. Reuse the existing WordList and Guess classes for this. (You can add extra methods to these classes if needed, but don’t remove or change any of the existing methods.)

Note: you will need to make some changes to the build.gradle file to support JavaFX, as documented on the OpenJFX website. You’ll also need to add another run task to the file.

Warning: This will be challenging and will require substantial investigation into JavaFX. Do NOT attempt this if you are short on time!

Implementing the GUI will earn up to 6 marks.

  1. Submission

Make sure that any relevant code changes have been committed to your Git repository and then pushed up to GitLab. Then generate a Zip archive of your solution using

./gradlew submission

This will create a file named Submit this file to Minerva, via the link provided in the Submit My Work section.

The deadline for submissions is 10 am on Friday 5 March.

Note that all submissions will be subject to automated plagiarism checking.

  1. Marking

13 Basic solution

9 Additional code for Full solution

6 Additional code for Advanced solution

4 Coding style and comments

  3 Use of version control





